Church Bulletin for 4th Sunday after Easter – May 19 2019

Church Bulletin for 4th Sunday after Easter – May 19 2019

Be it known to all who enter this Holy Place, that the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Lord

Jesus Christ

 is reserved in the Tabernacle.  A genuflection, being the proper reverence before His Presence, is expected of all the faithful.  Leave not without worshipping and adoring Him upon His Altar Throne.

Visitors – Welcome!

Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service.  Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship, drinks, and food.

Holy Communion: 

If you have been confirmed by a Bishop in Apostolic Succession, you are invited to receive the Blessed Sacrament.  If not, but are a Baptized Christian, please come to the Altar Rail for a blessing (simply cross your arms over your chest when the Celebrant approaches.)  If you have questions, please speak to the clergy.

4th Sunday after  Easter:  May 19, 2019

Hymnal=1940 Hymnal; BCP= 1928 Book of Common Prayer

Stand  Processional: H # 311

Kneel   Collect for Purity: BCP P. 67

Kneel Introit; Choir

Kneel Summary of the Law; BCP 69

Kneel Kyrie: H 710 / BCP 70

Kneel Collect for the Day: BCP 174

Sit  Psalm: 116:  BCP 486

Sit  Epistle: ST. JAMES i:17:  BCP 174

Stand  Gradual; H 375 (2)

Stand  Gospel: ST. JOHN xvi: 5;  BCP 175

Stand  Nicene Creed;  BCP 71

Sit        Notices

Stand  Sermon Hymn; H #376

Sit  Sermon (Fr. Michael Cawthon)

Sit  Alms Collection & Offertory Sentence (Choir)

Stand  Alms, National Hymn; H 139 / 141 (v4)

Kneel   Biddings & Intercessions (said by celebrant)

Kneel For the Whole State of Christ’s Church; BCP 74

Kneel  Invitation and General Confession; BCP 75

Kneel  Absolution & Comfortable Words; BCP 76

Kneel  Sursum Corda & Sanctus; H 796 / BCP 76

Kneel  Sevenfold Amen

Kneel  Consecration; BCP 80

Kneel  Lord’s Prayer;  H 722   / BCP 82

Kneel  Humble Access;  BCP 82

Kneel  Agnus Dei;  H 712

Ecce Agnus PRIEST: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that takest away the sins of the world.  Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof;”

People—”But speak the word only and my soul shall be healed.”

Kneel  Communion Hymns; H 210 & H 150

Kneel    Thanksgiving;  BCP 83

Stand  Gloria in Excelsis;  H 713 / BCP 84

Kneel  The Blessing;  BCP 84

Kneel  Dresden Amen;  H 740

Stand    Recessional;  H 92

Nursery is available for children 5 years and under during the 10:30 am service

Acknowledgements and Thanksgivings!

SANCTUARY CANDLE:  Burns this week to the glory of God.

ALTAR FLOWERS:  Are given to the glory of God, Roger & Virginia Gayle Anderson in celebration of the birthday of their son Roger Anderson, Jr.

Please come next door to the Parish Hall, after the 10:30 service for fellowship and refreshments.


MAY  CHANGE-FOR-CHANGE:   Bishop Haine’s Foreign Missions


Costs:                             $30,935

Donations to Date:       18,285


Island / Caribbean Night  –  June 22nd        If interested in leading

African Night  –  October 12th                      please call Fr. Michael

MEN’S MINISTRY:   Auto-Bell Car Wash tickets available now:  $20.00 each or 3 for $40.00.  Supply limited.  Get them before there are gone.

PRESCHOOL:  Graduation is Thursday,  May 22nd at 11 am.


May     20        Anna Burgess             May       22       Antoine Michel

May     23        Claudette Pearson


May     24        Alric & Merlene James

Church Services & Key Activities the week of May 19th:

 Sun:        8 am       Said Eucharist                        10:30 am   Sung Eucharist

Mon:      6 pm       Ladies Evening Prayer / Bible Study

Tue:        10 am     Morning Prayer                    1 pm      Ladies Lunch-out

6 pm       Evening Prayer / Eucharist 7 pm      Choir Practice

Wed:       10 am     Morning Prayer                   6 pm       Evening Prayer / Eucharist

                7 pm       Fellowship / Bible Study

Thu:        10 am     Morning Prayer                   10:30 am                    Bible Study                               Noon      Eucharist / Fellowship               6 pm                Men’s Night-out 

Fri:          6 pm       Wedding Rehearsal

Sat:         2 pm       Wedding

… Upcoming Events:    

May        21            1 pm                Ladies Lunch-Out @ Showmars, Mint Hill

                23            6 pm                Men’s Night-Out @ Beer Temple, Matthews

                24                                            Wedding Rehearsal

                25            9 – 11                      Work day

                25            2 pm                       Wedding:  Ted & Mari

                26            10:30 am                Rogation Sunday High Mass

                30       Noon & 6 pm  Ascension of Jesus Christ (Day of Obligation)

Jun            1            8 – 12                      YARD SALE

9              10:30 am                Whitsunday High Mass

9 – 14      Anglican Legacy Camp

16                            Father’s Day

16            10:30 am                Trinity Sunday High Mass

 SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK:     May 26, 2019

Nursery:   10:15 am             Help needed

Ushers:      8 am                    Bob & Betty Self

     10:15 am           Dame Martin, Tommy Johnson

Altar Guild:                          Debbie Cawthon


The Annual Yard Sale held at St. Michaels will take place on June 1 from 8AM to 12 noon!  Previously, another date was circulating in error.

This sale requires a lot of preparation and work!  Hopefully, many of you will sign up at the back of the parish hall and offer to help. After sign up, you can recruit a team for help in sorting, pricing and selling.

This year we are breaking up the sale into categories such as; toys, garden, electronics, plants, household, jewelry, books, furniture, tools and Christmas. We do not want any clothes, but linens are OK!

I would like the volunteer to be present and in charge of the category you selected on the sale day!  Men are particularly encouraged (pretty please) to help with the tools and electronics. Sometimes we get some strange or heavier items and need help!

Items are now allowed to be brought into the parish hall.  Remaining unsold items will be picked up by the Kidney Foundation.

We will have donuts and coffee available for the workers.

Any help will be appreciated!!

Thank you in advance for helping us out!!  It is for our church1!  Any questions please call.


Rhiana Williams                                 Cuthbertson High School

Steven Vandirly


Prelude                  Fugue in D                                                                              J. S. Bach

A fugue is defined as a composition in which a theme is introduced in one part and imitated at different pitch levels. This fugue is one of a number of pieces attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) for which no autograph manuscript survives.


(Psalm 98:1-2)  O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvellous things. The Lord hath made known His salvation: His righteousness hath He openly showed in the sight of the heathen. His right hand, and His holy arm, hath gotten Him the victory.

As during Lent, each Sunday in Eastertide has a Latin name from the first words of the Introit. The name for the Fourth Sunday of Easter is Cantate, taken from Psalm 98:1: “Cantate Domino canticum novum.”


(Psalm 66:1-2a, 16) Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:  sing forth the honor of His name, come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.

Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele                              Johannes Brahms

Brahms (1833-1897), German composer of symphonies, choral and piano music, wrote his piece on the 17th century Lutheran communion hymn (#210 in The Hymnal 1940) in a group of 11 organ preludes during his last year.

Postlude                 Laudation                                                              Gilbert M. Martin

Gilbert M. Martin (b.1941), graduate of Westminster Choir College (John Apple’s alma mater) and composer of organ and choral music, wrote this joyful piece with the title from the Latin word for “praise.”


✟The Anglican Church: Our St. Michael’s family, Deanery, Diocese, Anglican Province of America, Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican Church in America, Deus of the Holy Cross, our Bishops, Rector, Clergy & their families, and that many men are called to the sacred Ministry.

✟ Our Country, its Leaders, Fire and Police Departments & those in military service: Andrew, Adam, Edwin, Daniel, Mark, Conner, Caleb, Dannte, Brian, Dustin, Brett, Kegan, Charles, Robert, James, Gavyn.

✟Pregnancy: Brook

✟ Those Traveling: Ralph, Scott, Dana, Frank, Lee, Tony, Jeff, Stephen, Nance, Mike, Kristin, Will, Trudy, Cyprianna, James, Susan, Kay.

✟Guidance & Protection: Destinn, Conner, Donald, Christopher, Karl, Phyllis, Dame, Kristin, Blonnie, Tommy, Linda, Claude, Ben, Henry, Mary, Josiah, Stoch, Roy, Brett, Kelechi, Christopher, Margaret, Henry, Tom. The Washburn, Burgess, Drake, Oldfield, Howard, Morton, Graham families.

✟ In Affliction: Jerry, June, Roger, Virginia Gayle, Trudy, Pat, Wayne, Harry, Edna, Pat, Rich+, John, Doreen, Desmond, Yvonne, Dame, Meredith, Jennifer, Janet, Robert, Runyan, Vivian. Wanda, Shannon, Marie, George.

✟The Lord’s Healing: Aurora, Ava, Ana, Thomas, Tina, Nick, Simeon, McKenzie, Pat, Jayden, Seth, Stephen, Doc, Sarah, Marie, Phillip, Savana, Renee, Samantha, Madonna, Tenneh, James, Kevin+, George+, +Jack, Michael+, Dennis+.

✟R.I.P.:   Patrice Graham

The Vestry:

Sr. Warden:  Ed Stemborowski                         Jr. Warden:  Brett Ford

Carol Alsis                  ’21         Laurna Blackwood   ’20          Margie Schlier                 ’19

Frank Ihekaire            ’21         Randall Burgess        ’20          Brett Ford                        ’19

Sylvia Jack                   ’21         Pam Driscoll              ’20         Michelle Montgomery   ’19

Eastern Diocese of the Anglican Province of America:

The Most Rev. W. H. Grundorf, Diocesan

The Rt. Rev. Chad Jones, Suffragan Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Bill Perkins, Suffragan Bishop

The Rt. Rev. David Haines, Missionary Bishop

The Rev. O. Michael Cawthon, Rector

The Very Rev. Can George Harding, Ret.

Dss. Tina Jenkins, APA Sr. Deaconess

John Apple,  Organist & Choir Master

Shonika Bankole,  Preschool Director

Lou Hale, Phyllis Vail, Sandra Scherer, & Susan Stepp:  Bible Women

Dame Martin & Joyce Allen:  Outreach Programs

Susan Stepp & Sandra Scherer:  Worship Preparation

Church office:  704-537-7777     Rectory:  704-531-9306       

Rector:  Fr. Michael’s Cell:  704-651-9070

St. Michael’s:  2211 Margaret Wallace Road, Matthews, NC 28105

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