Bulletin Blog Edition; Trinity 24; November 11, 2018

Visitors – Welcome!

Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service.  Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship, drinks, and food!


Trinity XX IV                      November 11, 2018

H = 1940 Hymnal               B=1928 Book of Common Pryaer

Stand    Processional  H Hymn # 153

Kneel    Collect for Purity  B Page 67

Introit   (Missal)

The Summary of the Law  B 69

Collect for the Day B 223

Sit           PSALM    66 B 417

Epistle:                 COLOSSIANS  I:  3 B 223

Stand    Gradual H 592(1)

Gospel: ST.  MATTHEW  IX:  18 B 224

Nicene Creed B 71

Sit           Notices

Stand    Sermon Hymn H 535

Sit           Sermon Fr. Michael Cawthon

Alms Collection & Anthem

Stand    Alms Presentation, National Hymn H 139 / 141 (v4)

Kneel    Biddings & Intercessions (said by celebrant)

For the Whole State of Christ’s Church B               74

Invitation and General Confession B 75

Absolution & Comfortable Words B 76

Sursum Corda & Sanctus H 797 / B 76

Consecration B 80

Seven Fold Amen H 741

Lord’s Prayer H                 722 / B 82

Humble Access B 82

Agnus Dei H 712

Ecce Agnus PRIEST: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that takest away the sins of the world.  Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof;”

People—”But speak the word only and my soul shall be healed.”

Communion Hymns H 189, 339

Kneel    Thanksgiving B 83

Gloria in excelsis H 713

The Blessing B 84

Dresden Amen H 740

Stand    Recessional H 257

Nursery is available for children 5 years and under during the 10:30am service

Holy Communion:  If you have been confirmed by a Bishop in Apostolic Succession, you are invited to receive the Blessed Sacrament.  If not, but are a Baptized Christian, please come to the Altar Rail for a blessing (simply cross your arms over your chest when the Celebrant approaches.)  If you have questions, please speak to the clergy.


Acknowledgements and Thanksgivings!

SANCTUARY CANDLE burns this week to the glory of God.

ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God.

Please come next door to the Parish Hall, after the 10:30 service for fellowship and refreshments.


News and Notes:


PRESCHOOL SPIRIT NIGHT:  On Tuesday, November 13  all day, join us at City Barbeque, tell them you are with St. Michael’s Preschool.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:    9:15 am Youth and Adults

THE NATURE OF ANGLICANISM:  The Wednesday evening classes have started.  It is never too late to join, for all wanting to be confirmed, accepted or wanting more information and for those wanting a refresher course.

YOUTH CONFIRMATION:  Classes have begun, Wednesday evening following the Wednesday Eucharist

PRESCHOOL HELP:  Please consider helping the Preschool by adding the number 4483 to your Harris Teeter card.


Cost:            $24,415  /  Donations to Date:         8,405.

FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS:  In need of help with arranging the flowers on Saturday for the altar on Sunday.  All interested, Call Fr. Michael.

Church Services & Key Activities the week of November 11th:

Sun:       8 am   Said Eucharist    9:15 am   Sunday School   10:30 am   Sung Eucharist

Mon:     6 pm        Ladies Evening Prayer

Tue:       10 am      Morning Prayer                              6 pm        Evening Prayer / Eucharist

7 pm        Choir Practice               11am-8pm   Spirit Night @ City Barbecue

Wed:     10 am       Morning Prayer             6 pm  Evening Prayer  / Eucharist

Youth Confirmation Class / Adult Nature of Anglicanism Class

Thu:       10 am      Morning Prayer                              10:30 am                       Bible Study – St. Peter

Noon       Eucharist  / Fellowship

Fri:            Deanery Meeting                              10 am                  Morning Prayer / Eucharist

Sat:        10:30 am      St. Martha’s Guild    11:30 am                 Men’s Ministry


… Upcoming Events:    

Nov        13           11 am – 8 pm     Spirit Night @ City Barbecue

16                                           Deanery Meeting

17           10:30 am              St. Martha’s Guild

17           11:30 am              Men’s Ministry

20           1 pm                      Ladies Lunch Out @ Rossini’s

22           10 am                    Thanksgiving Eucharist

22           1 pm                      Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner

24           9 – 11 am             WORKDAY

30           10 am                    Feast of St. Andrew

Dec          6            5 pm                      McAdenville Lights

22           11 am                    Narroway “The Real Christmas Story”

SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK:      July 8, 2018

Nursery:   10:15 am         Help needed

Ushers:      8 am                 Bob & Betty Self

10:15 am         Dame Martin, Tommy Johnson

Altar Guild:                         Debbie Cawthon


Heads up….

MCADENVILLE LIGHTS:    Sign-up sheet is in the Parish Hall, on December 6th for our annual Mcadenville Lights.   There will be a light dinner.

ALTAR GUILD:     Looking for a way to serve the Lord and your church?  The Altar Guild is a fulfilling way.  You would be committing a couple of hours on Saturday and on Sunday, one time every other month.

PRESCHOOL SPIRIT NIGHT:  November 13th at City Barbecue.  The preschool will receive a portion whether you eat-in, carry-out or order on-lie.

NARROWAY’S “THE REAL STORY OF CHRISTMAS”:   December 22nd leaving at 11 am from the Church.  Please have your $35.00 by December 2nd or let Gayle know you have changed your mind.  We have a waiting list.


Nov        11           Alan Crosby                        Nov        13           Desmond King

Nov        16           Yewande Bankole            Nov        16           Olumide Bankole

Nov        16           Emily Baker                Nov      17              Chimaroke Onukogu


Nov        12           Dennis & Vanessa Griffith




Prelude on “Picardy”                                                   Jeanne E. Shaffer


The Peaceable Things                                            Clay R. Christiansen


Postlude for Full Organ                         George E. Whiting


Jeanne Shaffer (1925-2007) was chair of Visual and Performing Arts at Huntingdon College and organist-director at All Saints Episcopal Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Her composition on the folk tune from Picardy is a reflective setting of the hymn “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.”


Clay Christiansen (b.1949) was an organist (1982-2018) at the Mormon Tabernacle after being organist-director (1972-1982) at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Salt Lake City.


George Whiting (1840-1924), New England Conservatory organ professor and organist at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Boston, composed his postlude with a lively theme imitated at different pitch levels.


On this date a century ago at 11:00 a.m. was the taking effect of the armistice that ended World War I, also known as “The Great War” and “The War to End All Wars”. (This day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.) The Recessional Hymn #257 (sung to the tune for “Lead On, O King Eternal”) was written in 1859 by Jane Borthwick (a Scottish poet known for her hymn “Come, Labor On”) was chosen as we reflect on the themes of unity, peace and a time when conflict and war no longer exist.



✟The Anglican Church: Our St. Michael’s family, Deanery, Diocese, Anglican Province of America, Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican Church in America, Deus of the Holy Cross, our Bishops, Rector, Clergy & their families, and that many men are called to the sacred Ministry.

✟ Our Country, its Leaders, Fire and Police Departments & those in military service: Andrew, Adam, Edwin, Daniel, Mark, Conner, Caleb, Brian, Dustin, Brett, Kegan, Charles, Robert, James.

✟Pregnancy: Jennalyn, Sally, Charla, Brooke, Maddi

✟ Those Traveling: Ralph, Scott, Mike, Will, Tommy, Kristen, Nance, Jeff, Stephen, Lee.

✟Guidance & Protection: Destinn, Conner, Reagan, Evan, Christopher, Karl, Phyllis, Ari, Dame, Kristin, Sandy, Margaret, Linda, Claude, Tommy, Sam, Sean, Paul, Ben, Henry, Victoria, Travis. Lane, Kirk, The Rogers, Washburn, Burgess, Taylor/White, Ackley, Correal, Schlier, Unterberger, Decker families.

✟ In Affliction: Jerry, June, Roger, Virginia Gayle, Trudy, Pat, Wayne, Harry, Doris, Lyle, Edna, Pat, June, Rich+, Angelica, Jan, Michele, Hilda, Lisa, James, Danny, John, Doreen, Desmond, Yvonne, Richard, Dame, Donna, Lisa, Vivian. The Conner, Palmer, Becker Powell/Mason families.

✟The Lord’s Healing: Austin, Issac, Juliana, Brooke, Ana, Nicholas, Noah, Reagan, Jordan, Blonnie, Amanda, Haywood, Sue, Debbie, Teddy, Mike, Troy, Walter, Jennifer, Leslie, Margaret, Noah, Kelly, Brenda, Betty, Wanda, Marie, Norah, Alex, Joe, Chris, Gary, Robert, Randall, Earl, Richard, Jim, Stephen, Fred, Lori, Leslie, Anne, Phyllis, Sherry, Ryan, Juanita, Lynn Gayle, Elizabeth, Tony, Tina, Gretchen, Michael, John, Sandra, Lynn, Gloria, Mari, Shannon, Earl, Jack, Joe, Vikki, Gina, Janet, James, Daisy, Dana, Ralph, Lisa, Dame, Darlene, Robin, Michelle, Kevin+, George+, +Jack, Michael+.


The Vestry:

Sr. Warden:  Ed Stemborowski                   Jr. Warden:  Brett Ford

Laurna Blackwood   ’20          Margie Schlier                 ’19          Dennis Griffith         ’18

Randall Burgess        ’20          Brett Ford                        ’19          Jack Mobley               ‘18

Pam Driscoll              ’20          Michelle Montgomery   ’19         Yvonne Thompson   ’18


Eastern Diocese of the Anglican Province of America:

The Most Rev. W. H. Grundorf, Diocesan

The Rt. Rev. Chad Jones, Suffragan Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Bill Perkins, Suffragan Bishop

The Rt. Rev. David Haines, Missionary Bishop

The Rev. O. Michael Cawthon, Rector

The Rev. Dennis Washburn, PhD., Curate

The Very Rev. Can George Harding, Ret.

Dss. Tina Jenkins, APA Sr. Deaconess

John Apple;  Organist & Choir Master

Shonika Bankole;  Preschool Director

Lou Hale, Sandra Scherer, & Susan Stepp;  Bible Women

Brett Ford, Phil & Susan Crosby, Alan Crosby;  Youth Leaders

Dame Martin & Joyce Allen;  Outreach Programs

Susan Stepp & Sandra Scherer;  Worship Preparation

Gale McEvilley;  Social Programs


St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church:


Church office:  704-537-7777     Rectory:  704-531-9306

www.stmichaelsanglican.org                 stmichaelcharlotte@yahoo.com

Rector:  Fr. Michael’s Cell:  704-651-9070      frmichaelcawthon@gmail.com

Curate:  Fr. Dennis Washburn’s Cell:  704-989-1148     frdennisw@gmail.com

St. Michael’s:  2211 Margaret Wallace Road, Matthews, NC 28105

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