Tuesday evening service
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St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
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Fun was had by all….a Christian Family enjoying Christian Fellowship. The Holy Spirit working with Christ’s Church at St. Michael the Archangel in Matthews NC Thanks to all who worked so hard on putting this together, and special thanks to our Music Director – thanks John!
ON A REASONABLE, HOLY, AND LIVING SACRIFICE The Rev’d. Stephan W. Heimann St. Paul writes to the Corinthians, “Christ our Passover is SACRIFICED for us; therefore let us keep the feast…” (1Cor.5:7). We respond in our Liturgy with a prayer that God would “mercifully accept this our SACRIFICE of praise and thanksgiving (cf.Heb.13:15). The…
MUSIC NOTES Prelude Veni Creator Spiritus Alec Wyton Introit (Hebrews 1:6) Worship Him, all ye His angels; (Psalm 97:8) Zion heard and was glad. The daughters of Judah rejoiced; because of they judgments, O Lord. (Psalm 97:1) The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice: Let the multitude of isles be glad…
Morning Prayer Tuesday August 27th < You may have to un-mute your device, if you enjoy please share…
Advent third Sunday The Collect: O LORD Jesus Christ, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee; Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that…
Live stream of Pod Cast – The outline will be posted on the PodCast . nbsp; Fr.’s Allen and Michael joined by Andrew recorded on September 3, 2022