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Musical Notes
Prelude Rendez à Dieu Richard M. Peek Richard Maurice Peek (1927-2005), organist-director of Charlotte’s Covenant Presbyterian Church, created his piece on the 1543 tune (located at #195 in The Hymnal 1940) by Louis Bourgeois (composer of the tune Old Hundredth, sung to the Doxology). Bourgeois (1510-1559), a French disciple of the Swiss reformer John Calvin,…
Passion Sunday Homily
Homily for Passion Sunday. On Passion Sunday we will once again be focusing on edification of spiritual growth (Homily) during the Lenten season. Discussing the theological virtues as a means of measuring our growth…are we getting better? As well, focus will be discussing the words from the sermon “He was” and “I am.” These words…
On Having Holy Communion Often? Tractate VI
ON HAVING HOLY COMMUNION OFTEN? The Rev’d. Stephan W. Heimann Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Sacrament of Holy Communion so that Christians everywhere could always be one with Him and share in His holy life and saving death. For this Sacrament, He made use of a common and necessary human act: the…
Rectors Newsletter – Merry Christmas
Through all of the destruction of this sinful world – yet He comes for all of us! To view CLICK HERE Hope everyone has a blessed and joyous Christmas Season – remember it does not end until Epiphany on Jan 6th. Yes indeed, He has invaded the world to set us all free! Come…
Week of June 9, 2019….