Sunday Oct 27 Said Mass
8 am Early Mass
Un-mute your device. Enjoy and share.
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
8 am Early Mass
Un-mute your device. Enjoy and share.
Prelude: Das alte Jahr vergangen ist J. S. Bach Introit: (Isaiah 6:1) I saw also the Lord, sitting upon a throne; high and lifted up: (Revelation 19:6) And I heard the voice of a great multitude, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. (Psalm 100:1-2) Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all…
IS IT NOTHING TO YOU A paraphrase of a meditation originally written by Archbishop Joost De Blank, and spoken before the people of St. Stephen’s Church, Westminster, in 1952, telling the story of the Crucifixion as if seen from the eyes of the Centurion in charge of the prisoner Jesus.. Every Good Friday Longinus retires…
Morning Prayer Tuesday morning – Sept 17th Un-mute your device – opps had sound problem at beginning…actually I forgot to turn on microphone. Sound picks up once service begins….
Holy Eucharist Oct 6th St. Michael the Archangel You may have to un-mute your device. Enjoy and share!!!
A great time was had Saturday as we visited the Aviation Museum. Although rainy on outside, we had a blast inside as we saw “The miracle on the Hudson” actual plane (truly a miracle) and watched a film with passengers and heard their stories. As well, we saw many military airplanes – from gliders to…