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Sermon: Quinquagesima 3 3 2019 Fr. Michael Cawthon
Ash Wednesday is this week, the beginning the Lenten Season for 2019. Last week Fr. George asked how two people can hear the same thing and yet receive two different messages, as well he spoke of hardened hearts and of dirt that is good ground, and that of bad. In today’s Collect we beseech that…
Epiphany 2019 Sermon Fr. Michael Cawthon
The Ephiphany 2019: “The nations shall march towards thy light and their kings towards the brightness of thy rising” Isaiah 60:3 Today we read of “wise men” who as Isaiah said: have marched forth towards the light and brightness of its rising. – and they now arrive to see for themselves this new born King…
The Demons at the Door
Sermon preached by Fr. Allen On October 8, 2023, The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. I am sure all of us here are familiar with that psychological phenomenon known as the “doorway effect”? It’s the phrase coined by psychologists to describe the frustrating experience of entering a room and forgetting what we were going to do,…
Sermon Lent IV 2018 Fr. Michael
Lent IV 2018 Fr. Michael “and there / (our lord and Saviour) he sat with his disciples” In the name of the Father…. In the New Testament the word disciple come from the Greek Word mä-thā-tā’s (ma ta ta –s), and is used in the sense of one who learns, a pupil, of adherents’, one…

Sermon Trinity 1 Fr. Michael Cawthon June 23 2019
Sermon Trinity 1 (June 23, 2019) Fr. Michael Cawthon “Christ Church” has entered into a season a time of spiritual growth. And the Collect today tells us: “we can do no good thing without (God)” and we are to be in His “will and deed.” The Epistle reminds us that God “hath given us of…

Sermon Advent III Dec 16 2018 Fr. Michael Cawthon
I just love this reading today; although, for many it leaves them scratching their heads – John the Baptist who knew Jesus from the womb, now does not know him? Some would say that John by this action is showing our human trait of doubt and confusion, thus many rationalize that “well, if John had…