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Sermon Ash Wednesday 3 6 2019 Fr. Michael Cawthon
Ash Wednesday 2019 Fr Michael Cawthon The lesson appointed for the Epistle is written in book of Joel: Turn ye even to me…with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning…turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful. My friends, this is the first day of Lent…
Sermon Advent III Dec 16 2018 Fr. Michael Cawthon
I just love this reading today; although, for many it leaves them scratching their heads – John the Baptist who knew Jesus from the womb, now does not know him? Some would say that John by this action is showing our human trait of doubt and confusion, thus many rationalize that “well, if John had…
Advent IV Sermon (rough draft) Dec 23 2018 Fr. Michael Cawthon
In the fourth Sunday of Advent, as last week, we have John the Baptist brought forth in the Gospel reading. It is very obvious that the preaching of John the Baptist concerning the imminent judgement of God upon His People and the world, and the establishment of The Kingdom, was causing great excitement and stirring…
Septuagesima Feb 17 2019 Fr. Michael Cawthon (final)
Septuagesima 2019 Do we run all of the race that is set before, or just part and then quit? (Are we running in the right race?) Just how many races are you running? Are we wiser, you know, smarter than others? Is our understanding of right and wrong true, proving our intellectual prow-ess? What motivates,…
Trinity 2 St. Michaels 2016 Fr. Michael Cawthon
Last week Fr. Dennis preached on love: speaking of the Greek term used for “love,” agape’ – Love that has its source in God. And God now shows His love for us as he tells us: Come; for all things are now ready… In today’s Gospel, He sends his messengers out to announce this…
Trinity 13 Sept15 2019 by Fr Michael Cawthon
Many of us have heard the phrase “he cannot see the forest for the trees…” Well this saying can sometimes apply Reading the Holy Scripture, as we get bogged down on this verse or that verse, this definition or that definition, or this commentary or that commentary or even the New Testament vs. the Old…