Remember Lot’s Wife – Brews with Andrewes
May 7, 2022 discussion of Lancelot Andrewes Sermon written in 1594. Whether we should choose either bodily pleasures in Sodom, or the safety of our souls. Refusing life with so easyconditions.
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
May 7, 2022 discussion of Lancelot Andrewes Sermon written in 1594. Whether we should choose either bodily pleasures in Sodom, or the safety of our souls. Refusing life with so easyconditions.
The Order for The Administration of the Lord’s Supper Or Holy Communion According to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer with Scriptural proofs and explanatory notes St. Michael the Archangel Matthews, NC 28105 PREPARING FOR OUR SERVICE OF WORSHIP As a rule, a person’s attention is broken into a thousand fragments by a variety…
Church Bulletin Blog Edition May 5 2019 Visitors – Welcome Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service. Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship, drinks,…
February 21st, 2019 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC The Affirmation of Saint Louis (1977) is the foundational document of the Continuing Church. The Affirmation distinguishes the Continuing Churches from earlier Anglican bodies, such as the Episcopal Church prior to 1976, which were vaguer and deliberately more ‘comprehensive’ in their doctrine and moral teaching than are…
Week of June 9, 2019….
Musical Notes for Easter 3; May 12 2019 Prelude: Christ ist erstanden Hans Buchner Hans Buchner (1483-1538) was a contemporary of Martin Luther and was organist at the cathedral in Constance, southern Germany. Around 1525, he composed one of the earliest pieces on the 11th century German chorale “Christ ist erstanden” (Christ is arisen). Introit:…
A Letter from the Rector To the wonderful Christian Family we call St. Michael’s, It is with a sad heart that I write this letter confirming the passing into eternal life of our brother in Christ, who we knew as Fr. Rich. When we look around our beautiful church facility we see the handiwork of…