St. Michael Feast Day – sermon on New Rector search
St. Michael the Archangel feast day – High Mass (sermon at 36-minute mark)
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
St. Michael the Archangel feast day – High Mass (sermon at 36-minute mark)
February 21st, 2019 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC The Affirmation of Saint Louis (1977) is the foundational document of the Continuing Church. The Affirmation distinguishes the Continuing Churches from earlier Anglican bodies, such as the Episcopal Church prior to 1976, which were vaguer and deliberately more ‘comprehensive’ in their doctrine and moral teaching than are
May 3rd, 2022 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC On the eve of the Great and Holy Council of the Eastern Orthodox in June 2016, the first general meeting of the majority of Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs and hierarchs in many centuries, it should be beneficial take a moment and reflect upon what the
DEUS Synod Eucahrist Episcopal Charge to the 54th Annual Synod of the Diocese of the Eastern United States
ANGLICANISM AND EASTERN ORTHODOXY – HISTORICALLY SPEAKING May 3rd, 2022 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC On the eve of the Great and Holy Council of the Eastern Orthodox in June 2016, the first general meeting of the majority of Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs and hierarchs in many centuries, it should be beneficial take a moment
April 5th, 2022 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC 1. Common humanity. The Holy Ghost has been present in creation since He established it and has always abided in the imminent creation, sanctifying, controlling, and ordering it. The Holy Ghost operates in His grace in the creation of every human being and endows every
Fr. Allen is about to lose his voice but drives on with the sermon – as he tells the “story of the bible” https://brewswithandrewes.podbean.com/e/a-sunday-chaser-from-st-michaels-charlotte-91122/ Enjoy.
Live stream of Pod Cast – The outline will be posted on the PodCast . nbsp; Fr.’s Allen and Michael joined by Andrew recorded on September 3, 2022
The sermon begins around 37-minute mark – “Be Opened”  
A presentation was given by a good friend of St. Michael the Archangel, Bishop Ken Myers, not at our location, but he is always in our hearts. A Good man with a wonderful message about Christ’s Church. Click Here to watch.
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