Oct 8th Confirmation 1 / E.P. & Eucharist
1st Lesson of Confirmation read aloud also
E..P. / Eucharist
You may need to un-mute your device. Enjoy and share!!!
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
You may need to un-mute your device. Enjoy and share!!!
The Assumption of Our Lady The Feast of 15th August existed in all Christian liturgical calendars Eastern and Western for 1400 years until the 16th century, and since then it has been retained in Prayer Books of the Anglican Communion: the 1929 Scottish, the 1954 South African, and the 1962 Canadian Books of Common Prayer…
Musical Notes: Our music is historically and scriptural based upon the church season and scripture readings for the day. See notes below on the music history and their composers as we show reverence to the Lord through our music. Prelude Christ lag in Todesbanden J. S. Bach Martin Luther wrote…
Morning Prayer Unmute, Enjoy and share.
(end of part 1) If I was a gambling man, I would bet that Judas was a prideful man. Which way would you bet – prideful or not? He seemed so sure that he knew what was best and when things did not exactly go the way that he imagined, he became an angry man. …
Beauty of Holiness MP Tues 7 30 2019 and Sermon from 7 28 2019 MP Tues 7 30 2019 and Sermon from 7 28 2019 Morning Prayer begins at 27 minute mark, Trinity 6 Readings and Sermon. Please turn the volume up…it may be on mute.
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