Oct 3rd Thursday Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer Thursday Oct 3rd
You may have to un-mute your device…enjoy and share
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
You may have to un-mute your device…enjoy and share
Musical Notes: June 26, 2019 Prelude Toccata on the Doxology Darwin Wolford Louis Bourgeois (1510-1559), a French disciple of the Swiss reformer John Calvin composed tunes for the French Psalter in 1561. Several of his tunes are used today, including Old Hundreth (the Doxology sung weekly). The tune is heard in a lively setting…
Baptism and Eucharist May 26 2019
ON THE APPEARANCES OF YAHWEH IN THE OLD TESTAMENT The Rev’d. Allen Fisher When the LORD Comes For many today, one of the most beneficial things for them to do is to actually see what the Bible says about the God who saves us. So many today have this notion that when they get…
Preschool devotion, Morning Prayer Wednesday Sept 4 You many have to un-mute your device. For the first week, the children are fantastic!!!
September 18 – Children’s devotional and MP You may have to un-mute your device. Children’s devotional followed by Morning Prayer fifteen minutes later.
A Crucifixion or a Wedding? I am a big fan of Pitre. We have been re-listening to this book during “book reading” during Morning Prayer and the book is reemphasizing to me how our faith if so much more than just words. Its roots bring to life and as the light is focused on…