Oct 1st Tuesday (intro to vestments) & EP/Eucharist
Brief Description of Vestments and EP/HE
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St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
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Our Music this week to the glory of God Prelude Préambule Louis Vierne Louis Vierne (1870-1937), Notre Dame Cathedral organist in Paris, composed his “prelude” in 1913, alternating melodic imitation with chordal phrases. Introit (Psalm 70:1-2) Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord….
Church Bulletin (Blog edition) Visitors – Welcome! Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service. Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship, drinks, and food. Holy…
ARTICLES OF RELIGION The below gives a brief overview… Posted by The Right Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC Monday, March 20, 2006 – Q&A: What are the Articles of Religion? The article that started it all… What are the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion? Where do they come from? Are they important? The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion are…
PREACHED UPON GOOD-FRIDAY 1592 A.D Good Friday Lancelot Andrewes: Project Canterbury: Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology Lancelot Andrewes Works, Sermons, Volume Two: pp. 119-137 SERMONS: SERMON I Preached at the Court, on the Twenty-fifth of March, A.D. 1592 MDXCVII, being Good Friday. Transcribed by Dr. Marianne Dorman: AD 2003 Text Zechariah xii:10 And they will look upon Me Whom they have pierced. That…
The Collect: ALMIGHTY and merciful God, of whose only gift it cometh that thy faithful people do unto thee true and laudable service; Grant, we beseech thee, that we may so faithfully serve thee in this life, that we fail not finally to attain thy heavenly promises; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord….
JUSTIN MARTYR Christian apologist, born at Flavia Neapolis, about A.D. 100, converted to Christianity about A.D. 130, taught and defended the Christian religion in Asia Minor and at Rome, where he suffered martyrdom about the year 165. Two “Apologies” bearing his name and his “Dialogue with the Jew Tryphon” have come down to us THE…