Nov 3 Bulletin
Visitors – Welcome!
Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service. Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship, drinks, and food.
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity November 3, 2019
Hymnal BCP
Stand Processional 520
Kneel Collect for Purity 67
Introit Choir
The Decalogue 68
Kyrie 710 70
Collect for the Day 217
Sit Psalm: 1 345
Epistle: EPHESIANS V: 15 217
Stand Gradual 292 (2)
Gospel: ST. MATTHEW XXII: 1 218
Stand Nicene Creed 71
Sit Notices
Confirmation 296
Stand Sermon Hymn 217 (1)
Sit Sermon
Alms Collection & Offertory Sentence (Choir)
Stand Alms Presentation, National Hymn 139 / 141 (v4)
Kneel Biddings & Intercessions (said by celebrant)
For the Whole State of Christ’s Church 74
Invitation and General Confession 75
Absolution & Comfortable Words 76
Sursum Corda & Sanctus 796 76
Consecration 80
Lord’s Prayer 722 82
Humble Access 82
Agnus Dei 712
Ecce Agnus PRIEST: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that
takest away the sins of the world. Lord I am not worthy that thou
shouldest come under my roof;”
People—”But speak the word only and my soul shall be healed.”
Communion Hymns 187, 206, 211
Kneel Thanksgiving 83
Gloria in Excelsis 713 84
The Blessing 84
Dresden Amen (followed by bells) 740
Stand Recessional 484
Nursery is available for children 5 years and under during the 10:30am service
Holy Communion: If you have been confirmed by a Bishop in Apostolic Succession, you are invited to receive the Blessed Sacrament. If not, but are a Baptized Christian, please come to the Altar Rail for a blessing (simply cross your arms over your chest when the Celebrant approaches.) If you have questions, please speak to the clergy.
Acknowledgements and Thanksgivings!
SANCTUARY CANDLE: Burns this week to the glory of God in loving
memory of Mildred Hickling on her birthday.
ALTAR FLOWERS: Are given to the glory of God by Roger & Virginia
Gayle Anderson celebrating Virginia Gayle’s Birthday; by Alice Paul
celebrating her birthday.
Please come next door to the Parish Hall, after the 10:30 service for
Holly Browning, Adam Cantell, Tara Cantrell, Victoria Severn, David Uczen, and Jannette Uczen
Costs: $30,935
Donations to Date: 27,670 (lets get this paid off!)
THANKSGIVING DINNER: All are welcome! There will be a sign-up
sheet in the parish hall next week.
Key Activities the week of November 3 rd :
Sun: 8 am Said Eucharist 9:15 am SundaySchool 10:30 am Sung Eucharist / Confirmation
Monday: 6 pm Ladies Evening Prayer / Bible Study
Tuesday: 10 am Morning Prayer 6 pm Evening Prayer / Eucharist
Wednesday: 10 am Morning Prayer 6 pm Evening Prayer / Eucharist / Bible Study 7 pm ChoirPractice
Thurday: 10 am Morning Prayer 10:30 am Bible Study
Noon Eucharist / Fellowship
Saturday: 5 pm Movie Night
The Vestry:
Sr. Warden: Ed Stemborowski Jr. Warden: Brett Ford
Carol Alsis ’21 Laurna Blackwood ’20 Margie Schlier ’19
Frank Ihekaire ’21 Randall Burgess ’20 Brett Ford ’19
Sylvia Jack ’21 Pam Driscoll ’20 Michelle Montgomery ’19
Eastern Diocese of the Anglican Province of America:
The Most Rev. W. H. Grundorf, Diocesan
The Rt. Rev. Chad Jones, Bishop Coadjutor
The Rt. Rev. Bill Perkins, Suffragan Bishop
The Rt. Rev. David Haines, Missionary Bishop
The Rev. O. Michael Cawthon, Rector
The Very Rev. Can George Harding, Ret.
Dss. Tina Jenkins, APA Sr. Deaconess
John Apple, Organist & Choir Master
Shonika Bankole, Preschool Director
Lou Hale, Phyllis Vail, Sandra Scherer, Susan Stepp: Bible Women
Dame Martin & Joyce Allen: Outreach Programs
Susan Stepp & Sandra Scherer: Worship Preparation
✟The Anglican Church: Our St. Michael’s family, Deanery, Diocese,
Anglican Province of America, Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican
Church in America, Deus of the Holy Cross, our Bishops, Rector,
Clergy & their families, and that many men are called to the sacred Ministry.
✟ Our Country, its Leaders, Fire and Police Departments & those in military service: Andrew, Adam, Edwin, Daniel, Mark, Conner, Caleb, Dannte, Brian, Dustin, Brett, Kegan, Charles, Robert, James, Gavyn, Joe, Luke.
✟Pregnancy: Brook, Jackie, Kristen
✟ Those Traveling: Ralph, Scott, Dana, Frank, Lee, Tony, Jeff,
Stephen, Nance, Mike, Kristin, Will.
✟Guidance & Protection: Destinn, Conner, Jayden Donald,
Christopher, Karl, Phyllis, Dame, Kristin, Blonnie, Tommy, Linda,
Claude, Ben, Henry, Mary, Josiah, Stoch, Roy, Brett, Kelechi,
Christopher, Margaret, Henry, Tom, Nick, Betty, Martha, David,
Phillipa, Rosanna, Lizzy, Holly, Kathy, Tiffany, Scott. The
Washburn, Burgess, Oldfield, Howard, Morton, Graham, Wilkerson,
Amara, Jones, Runyan, Mkandla, Alt, Fishcher, Bakley families.
✟ In Affliction: June, Roger, Virginia Gayle, Trudy, Pat, Wayne,
Harry, Pat, Rich+, John, Doreen, Desmond, Yvonne, Dame, Meredith,
Jennifer, Robert, Vivian. Wanda, Shannon, Marie, George.
✟The Lord’s Healing: Aurora, Ava, Ana, Thomas, Natalia, Elana,
Max, Tina, Nick, Simeon, McKenzie, Pat, Seth, Stephen, Sarah, Marie,
Phillip, Savana, Renee, Samantha, Madonna, James, Jeannie, Brock,
Trudy, Wendy, Amanda, Hazel, Carl, Debbie, Phyllis, Yvonne, Anne,
Patty, Janet, Sandra, Betty, Christopher, Tanya, Millie, Tisa, Stephen,
Esther, Themba, Daniel, Kevin+, George+, +Jack, Michael+, Dennis+.
… Upcoming Events:
Nov 3 10:30 am Confirmation
9 5 pm Movie Night
10 12:30 pm Vestry Meeting
16 10:30 am St. Martha’s Guild
16 11:30 am Men’s Ministry
16 5 pm AWOGA Meeting
16 6:30 pm SMSG Campfire Evening
19 1 pm Ladies Lunch-Out @ Jett’s Pizza
23 1 – 6 pm Youth Group Christmas Child
28 10 am Thanksgiving Day Eucharist
28 1 pm Thanksgiving Dinner
30 9 – 11 am Workday
Nursery: 10:15 am Help needed
Ushers: 8 am Bob & Betty Self
10:15 am Dame Martin, Tommy Johnson
Altar Guild: Debbie Cawthon
November 10, 2019
Nursery: 10:15 am Shonika Bannkole, Thomdi Mkandia
Ushers: 8:00 am Richard Markuske, Tanya King
10:30 am John Gibbon, Lou Hale
Altar Guild: Yvonne Thompson
Kitchen Helpers: Cyprianna, Laurna, Gloria, Merle, Rosie, Herma, Sylvia
Boxes and instructions are in the Parish Hall. Take as many as you
want. Please return by November 17 th .
Prelude Trumpet Tune in D David N. Johnson
(Daniel 9:14b) The Lord our God is righteous in all His works which
He doeth: for we obeyed not His voice. Give glory to Thy Name, O
Lord: and deal with us according to the multitude of Thy mercies.
(Psalm 48:1) Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of
our God, in the mountain of His holiness.
The Sermon Hymn today, the chant Veni Creator Spiritus (Come, Holy Ghost), is attributed to the ninth century German Benedictine monk Rhabanus Maurus. It is associated with Pentecost (Whitsunday) and with ordinations.
(Psalm 137:1) By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we
wept, when we remembered Zion.
Anthem O Heavenly Grace In Holy Rite Descending
The text of the anthem (Hymn 188) was written in 1939 as a summary
of the Confirmation service by Robert Nelson Spencer (1877-1961),
Episcopal bishop of West Missouri (1930-1949) and a member of the
Joint Commission on the Revision of the Hymnal (The Hymnal 1940).
The tune was composed in 1927 by David Evans, a Welsh musician.
Postlude Komm, Gott, Schöpfer, heiliger Geist J. S. Bach
The Sermon Hymn today, the chant Veni Creator Spiritus (Come, Holy
Ghost), is attributed to the ninth century German Benedictine monk
Rhabanus Maurus. It is associated with Pentecost (Whitsunday) and
with ordinations. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German
Baroque composer and organist, wrote his setting of the chorale Komm, Gott Schöpfer with the tune in the soprano and afterwards in
the bass. This 16th century tune is a metrical adaptation by Martin
Luther of the chant Veni Creator Spiritus.
Nov 4 Akintayo Bankole
Nov 4 Claudius Taylor
Nov 6 Alice Paul
Nov 8 Ed & Sheila Stemborowski
ST. MICHAEL’S SOCIAL GROUP: Campfire Evening, November
16 th at 6:30 pm. Relaxing evening around the campfire here at the
church. Bring your favorite cool weather beverage, snacks to share, a
chair, a cozy blanket, and a lawn game. (If it is too cold or raining, we
will meet I the parish hall) Adults only for this function.
YOUTH GROUP: All eleven year old’s and up should participate.
This is important for the children and the church. Movie Night is
November 9 th .
PRESCHOOL HELP: Please remember to add code # 4483 to your
Harris Teeter Card.
Church office: 704-537-7777 Rectory: 704-531-9306
Rector: Fr. Michael’s Cell: 704-651-9070
St. Michael’s: 2211 Margaret Wallace Road, Matthews, NC 28105; St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church