Nov 20 M.P.
Morning Prayer Wednesday
Un-mute, enjoy and share.
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
Morning Prayer Wednesday
Un-mute, enjoy and share.
Pondering Death, Reading, Morning Prayer Un-mute, enjoy, and share!
ON A REASONABLE, HOLY, AND LIVING SACRIFICE The Rev’d. Stephan W. Heimann St. Paul writes to the Corinthians, “Christ our Passover is SACRIFICED for us; therefore let us keep the feast…” (1Cor.5:7). We respond in our Liturgy with a prayer that God would “mercifully accept this our SACRIFICE of praise and thanksgiving (cf.Heb.13:15). The…
Main topics discussed: Class #1 April 11, 2021 What is Anglicanism, why Confirmation? ON THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND
CHAPTER 6 Heresies and False doctrines arose. Heresies are nothing new…as False doctrines arose; In the days of the Apostles. Brief description of: Legalism (Galatians) There were those teaching that you had to be “Jewish” before you could become a Christian and thus the Laws of the Temple applied (not the laws…
Sunday June 2 Today the Sunday after Ascension we used some incense and the sermon was basically a 1500 year old sermon from St. Leo the Great. The sermon discusses the Ascension of Christ and the promise of his returning…enjoy.