The Theology and Practice of the Missal in the Anglican Rite
The following is a YouTube video of our recent clergy conference presentation by Bishop Chad Jones.
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
The following is a YouTube video of our recent clergy conference presentation by Bishop Chad Jones.
Musical Notes: Our music is historically and scriptural based upon the church season and scripture readings for the day. See notes below on the music history and their composers as we show reverence to the Lord through our music. Prelude Christ lag in Todesbanden J. S. Bach Martin Luther wrote…
Evening Prayer Tuesday Aug. 20 2019 AC not working….it was 81 degrees when we started…A hot night at St. Michaels You may need to un-mute your device…enjoy and share….
Article from Christianity Today: Justin Martyr (100 – 175AD). hen Justin was arrested for his faith in Rome, the prefect asked him to denounce his faith by making a sacrifice to the gods. Justin replied, “No one who is rightly minded turns from true belief to false.”. It was in one sense an easy answer…
Enjoy and share – EvenSong is first and third Sunday of each Sunday at 5 pm. Join us!
“Stations of the Cross” From the earliest times, Christians flocked to the Holy Land to visit the places sanctified by the events in our Lord’s earthly life. Especially popular was the pilgrimage along the path our Lord took on the first Good Friday. This pilgrimage was made with great devotion, the procession stopping (or making…
ON THE APPEARANCES OF YAHWEH IN THE OLD TESTAMENT The Rev’d. Allen Fisher When the LORD Comes For many today, one of the most beneficial things for them to do is to actually see what the Bible says about the God who saves us. So many today have this notion that when they get…