Memory Lane before the shut down
You will see many St. Michaels adults and children before the great shut down – enjoy the video’s!
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
You will see many St. Michaels adults and children before the great shut down – enjoy the video’s!
Live Stream of Trinity Sunday Mass June 16, 2019 (service begins around the 6:30 mark – please make sure volume is turned up. If you enjoyed the video, please feel free to share.
Music for Trinity XIX – 10/27/2019 Prelude Fantasia in G minor Johann Pachelbel Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706), best known today for his Canon in D, lived much of his life in Erfurt and Nuremberg in southern Germany. His Fantasia has short points of imitation between voices. Introit (Psalm 35:3b) Say unto my…
Fun was had by all….a Christian Family enjoying Christian Fellowship. The Holy Spirit working with Christ’s Church at St. Michael the Archangel in Matthews NC Thanks to all who worked so hard on putting this together, and special thanks to our Music Director – thanks John!
Saturday began day with a workday (9am til 11pm): over 100 plants planted & mulch was spead, Parish Hall (Kitchen and all) cleaned, Flowers prepared for altar and ironing of linens was completed. Then in the afternoon, our Youth group gathered at 1 PM to go out to parishioners home’s who need help with yard…
Second Sunday after Lent: Click here
Sr. Allen’s sermon around the 30 minute mark….watch, enjoy, and share!