Holy Eucharist Whitsunday Pentecost June 9 2019
Holy Eucharist Whitsunday Pentecost June 9 2019
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
Holy Eucharist Whitsunday Pentecost June 9 2019
Easter first Sunday after: Holy Eucharist Please make sure you turn on the sound (bottom right of screen). The sermon begins around the 28 minute mark.
Musical Notes: June 26, 2019 Prelude Toccata on the Doxology Darwin Wolford Louis Bourgeois (1510-1559), a French disciple of the Swiss reformer John Calvin composed tunes for the French Psalter in 1561. Several of his tunes are used today, including Old Hundreth (the Doxology sung weekly). The tune is heard in a lively setting…
PREACHED UPON GOOD-FRIDAY 1592 A.D Good Friday Lancelot Andrewes: Project Canterbury: Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology Lancelot Andrewes Works, Sermons, Volume Two: pp. 119-137 SERMONS: SERMON I Preached at the Court, on the Twenty-fifth of March, A.D. 1592 MDXCVII, being Good Friday. Transcribed by Dr. Marianne Dorman: AD 2003 Text Zechariah xii:10 And they will look upon Me Whom they have pierced. That…
December Newsletter
Deaconess in Anglican Province of America Deaconess The woman who seeks to be a Deaconess, is specifically and rigorously trained for a life-long commitment to service in the church. While she remains in a lay ministry, she seeks a much deeper commitment than the normal parishioner. There are many women called to service in the…
St. Michael The Archangel Evensong Jan 19, 2020 Un-mute, enjoy, and share. 1st and 3rd Sunday 5 pm