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Morning Prayer Video
Beauty of Holiness MP Tues 7 30 2019 and Sermon from 7 28 2019 MP Tues 7 30 2019 and Sermon from 7 28 2019 Morning Prayer begins at 27 minute mark, Trinity 6 Readings and Sermon. Please turn the volume up…it may be on mute.

Bulletin Blog Edition for Trinity 23, Nov. 4 2018
Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity / November 4, 2018 Visitors – Welcome! Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service. Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship,…

Nature of Anglicanism – Sacraments
THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE: PART I Introduction: Sacramental symbols draw on our salvation history and reflect the role of the Church as a Sacrament of God’s presence in the world. God performs the Sacraments with ministers as God’s human agents. Sacrament comes from a Latin word (sacrare) meaning holy. Anglican definition of a Sacrament is “The outward…
M.P Tuesday September 17th
Morning Prayer Tuesday morning – Sept 17th Un-mute your device – opps had sound problem at beginning…actually I forgot to turn on microphone. Sound picks up once service begins….

June 30 Pondering, Reading, Morning Prayer
Pondering Death, Reading, Morning Prayer Un-mute, enjoy, and share!

St. Michael: Bless and protect the Church
St. Michael the Archangel. STATEMENT: The Anglican Continuing Churches support the continuation and teaching of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. From the Rector: We are a church with a love for all of God’s Creation; however, we do not support recent actions of encouragement by some. WHO ARE WE? Anglican Province of…