Bulletin Blog Edition Trinity Xi – August 12 2018

St. Michael the Archangel

Anglican Church


Visitors – Welcome!

Peace and joy in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Please advise us of your visit and ask for a “First Time Visitor Bulletin” which briefly explains the communion service.  Please join our church family in the Parish Hall after the service for fellowship, drinks, and food!


Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

August 12, 2018


Stand    Processional                                       Hymnal 157(2)

Kneel    Collect for Purity                              1928 BCP  67

Introit                                                   Missal

The Summary of the Law              BCP 69

The Ninefold Kyrie                          Hymnal 710; BCP 70

Collect for the Day                           BCP 204

Sit           Psalm 125:                                           BCP 504

Epistle:                 I CORINTHIANS  XV:  1    BCP 204

Stand    Gradual                                                Hymnal 134

Gospel:  ST.  LUKE  XViii: 9             BCP 205

Nicene Creed                                    BCP 71

Sit           Notices

Stand    Sermon Hymn                                   Hymnal 503

Sit           Sermon

Alms Collection

Stand    Alms Presentation, National Hymn  Hymnal 139 & 141 (v4)

Kneel    Biddings & Intercessions (said by celebrant)

For the Whole State of Christ’s Church   BCP 74

Invitation and General Confession           BCP 75

Absolution & Comfortable Words             BCP 76

Sursum Corda & Sanctus                               Hymnal 797 / BCP 76

Consecration                                                     BCP 80

Lord’s Prayer                                                                     Hymnal 722 / BCP 82

Humble Access                                                 BCP 82

Agnus Dei                                                            BCP 712

Ecce Agnus PRIEST: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that takest away the sins of the world.  Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof;”

People—”But speak the word only and my soul shall be healed.”

Communion Hymns                        Hymnal 189, 206

Kneel    Thanksgiving                                      BCP 83

Gloria in excelsis                               Hymnal 713

The Blessing                                       BCP 84

Dresden Amen                                 Hymnal 740

Stand    Recessional                                        Hymnal 577


Holy Communion:  If you have been confirmed by a Bishop in Apostolic Succession, you are invited to receive the Blessed Sacrament.  If not, but are a Baptized Christian, please come to the Altar Rail for a blessing (simply cross your arms over your chest when the Celebrant approaches.)  If you have questions, please speak to the clergy.


Nursery is available for children 5 years and under during the 10:30am service


Church Services & Key Activities the week of August 12th:

Sun:       8 am        Said Eucharist                  10:30 am                    Sung Eucharist

Mon:     6:30pm   Ladies Evening Prayer

Tue:       10 am      Morning Prayer                              6 pm      Evening Prayer/Eucharist

Wed:     10 am      Morning Prayer                              6 pm        Evening Prayer / Eucharist

Thu:       10 am      Morning Prayer                              Noon      Eucharist / Fellowship

Fri:          10 am      Morning Prayer


The Vestry:

Sr. Warden:  Ed Stemborowski; Jr. Warden:  Brett Ford

Laurna Blackwood   ’20          Margie Schlier                 ’19          Dennis Griffith         ’18

Randall Burgess        ’20          Brett Ford                        ’19          Jack Mobley               ‘18

Pam Driscoll              ’20          Michelle Montgomery   ’19         Yvonne Thompson   ’18


Eastern Diocese of the Anglican Province of America:

The Most Rev. W. H. Grundorf, Diocesan

The Rt. Rev. Chad Jones, Suffragan Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Bill Perkins, Suffragan Bishop

The Rt. Rev. David Haines, Missionary Bishop

The Rev. O. Michael Cawthon, Rector

The Rev. Dennis Washburn, PhD., Curate

The Very Rev. Can George Harding, Ret.

Dss. Tina Jenkins, APA Sr. Deaconess

John Apple;  Organist & Choir Master

Shonika Bankole;  Preschool Director

Lou Hale, Sandra Scherer, & Susan Stepp;  Bible Women

Brett Ford, Phil & Susan Crosby, Alan Crosby;  Youth Leaders

Dame Martin & Joyce Allen;  Outreach Programs

Susan Stepp & Sandra Scherer;  Worship Preparation

Gale McEvilley;  Social Programs


Acknowledgements and Thanksgivings!

SANCTUARY CANDLE burns this week to the glory of God.

ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God by Roger & Virginia Gayle Anderson and by Fr. Michael & Debbie in celebration of their Anniversary and Ben Cawthon’s  21st Birthday.


Please come next door to the Parish Hall, after the 10:30 service for fellowship and refreshments.


News and Notes:

AUGUST   CHANGE-FOR-CHANGE:     Matthews Help Center

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Children’s Sunday begins September 9th.  Now is the time to get your children signed up.  This will help us with scheduling teachers and curriculum.

OUR ANGLICAN FAITH:  Beginning Wednesday evening, September 12th, there will be a new course for those wanting to be confirmed or want a refresher course.

ST MICHAEL’S LANDSCAPE:  To complete the grounds atmosphere, we would like to update the benches.  If you can help with a portion of the cost ($250 per bench), write “benches” on an extra check.



  • Click the Videos tab – go to ‘visit our live broadcast library” on Facebook – enjoy.
  • You can send us prayer requests by going to the “contact us” tab. Go down the page to “prayer list”.





✟The Anglican Church: Our St. Michael’s family, Deanery, Diocese, Anglican Province of America, Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican Church in America, Deus of the Holy Cross, our Bishops, Rector, Clergy & their families, and that many men are called to the sacred Ministry.

✟ Our Country, its Leaders, Fire and Police Departments & those in military service: Andrew, Adam, Edwin, Daniel, Mark, Conner, Caleb, Brian, Dustin, Brett, Kegan, Charles, Robert, James.

✟Pregnancy: Sandy, Jennalyn

✟ Those Traveling: Ralph, Scott, Mike, Will, Tommy, Kristen, Nance, Jeff, Stephen, Lee, Stephanie.

✟Guidance & Protection: Destinn, Conner, Reagan, Evan, Christopher, Denzel, Brent, Karl, Phyllis, Ari, Dame, Kristin, Sandy, Margaret, Linda, Katie, Claude, Tommy, Bill, Harry, Sam, Sean, Paul, Pat, Ben, Henry, Victoria, Helen, Les, Tracy, Sally, George, Earleen, Travis. Lane, The Ford, Strayhorn, Rogers, Khol, Hickling, Washburn, Burgess, Jourdan, Krapish, Black, Christian, Seeburger, Taylor/White, Burns, Tarlton, Gleason, Ackley, Correal, Schlier, Williams, Miller, Beacon, Unterberger, Decker, Chaney families.

✟ In Affliction: Jerry, June, Roger, Virginia Gayle, Trudy, Pat, Georgia, Wayne, Harry, Doris, Lyle, Edna, Pat, June, Rich+, Angelica, Jan, Michele, Hilda, Lisa, James, Danny, John, Desmond, Richard. The Bishop, Conner, Sailor, Sandifer families.

✟The Lord’s Healing: Austin, Issac, Juliana, Brooke, Ana, Nicholas, Noah, Reagan, Jordan, Blonnie, Doreen, Amanda, Lilawatie, Haywood, Sue, Debbie, Teddy, Mike, Troy, Harriett, Walter, George, Meredith, Shannon, Charlotte, Sandy, Lisa, Jennifer, Leslie, Margaret, Noah, Kelly, Brenda, Dolcie, Jimmie, Bob, Betty, Cara, Camille, Johnathan, Christa, Jeree, Wanda, Marie, Norah, Gail, Alex, Joe, Chris, Gary, Robert, Randall, Earl, Richard, Samantha, Jim, Stephen, Fred, Lori, Lanny, Leslie, Anne, Henry, Phyllis, Sherry, Ryan, Juanita, Lynn Gayle, Elizabeth, Roger, Tony, Tine, Gretchen, Michael, John, Sandra, Lynn, Gloria, Mari, Shannon, Earl, Jack, Joe, Vikki, Gina, Janet, James, Kevin+, George+.

✟ Rest in Peace: Ree Stone, Francis Hinze


… Upcoming Events:



25           10:30 am              St. Martha’s Guild

25           11:30 am              Men’s Ministry

26           9:15 am                Sunday School Teachers Meeting

30           5 – 7 pm               Preschool Open House

30                                           What Ale’s You – Men’s Night Out

Sep        4                                              Preschool First Day

6              10:30 am                              Thursday Bible Study Returns

9              9:15 am                                Sunday School Begins

12           6 pm                                      Our Anglican Faith / Adult Confirmation

12           6 pm                      Youth Confirmation Class

15           10:30 am                              St. Martha’s Guild

15           11:30 am                              Men’s Ministry


SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK:      July 8, 2018

Nursery:   10:15 am         Help needed

Ushers:      8 am                 Bob & Betty Self

10:15 am         Dame Martin, Tommy Johnson

Altar Guild:                         Debbie Cawthon



Aug        13           Betty Self

Aug        15           Frank Ihekaire                   Aug        15           Amanda Christian




Prelude and Fugue in G minor                                                  J. S. Bach


Andante                                                                                    Benjamin Carr


Concluding Voluntary in B Flat                                              Anonymous


Johanna Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), although known today as one of the most talented composers of all time, was known in his time primarily as an organist. Among his 250 compositions for the organ are a set of eight “little” preludes and fugues, probably written as pieces for students.


Benjamin Carr (1769-1831) was born in London and came to Philadelphia. He composed songs (such as the patriotic song “Hail! Columbia!”) and was organist/choirmaster at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.


In 1856, a collection titled “American Church Organ Voluntaries” was

published by A. N. Johnson and Stephen Cutler (organist/choirmaster of Boston’s Church of the Advent). One of them may have been the composer of “Concluding Voluntary.”



Now is the time for all 5th and 6th graders to be confirmed.  Parents, if your child has not been confirmed,  Call Dss. Tina.  Classes will be on Wednesday nights beginning September 12th,  following the 6 pm Eucharist & Dinner.


About our WEBSITE:

All activities are on our website:  www.stmichaelsanglican.org

This page is provided for you convenience and should be checked every week.  Event’s, updates, messages, are kept up to date as it is updated sometimes on a daily bases.  The St. Michael’s Calendar goes out months in advance, pictures, blogs, sermons; even bulletins are updated throughout the week.  The page was designed for ease of use…please become frequent visitors of the site and stay up to date on all the events occurring around the church.


Church office:  704-537-7777     Rectory:  704-531-9306

www.stmichaelsanglican.org                 stmichaelcharlotte@yahoo.com

Rector:  Fr. Michael’s Cell:  704-651-9070      frmichaelcawthon@gmail.com

Curate:  Fr. Dennis Washburn’s Cell:  704-989-1148     frdennisw@gmail.com

St. Michael’s:  2211 Margaret Wallace Road, Matthews, NC 28105

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