WOMEN’S RETREAT Nov 16, 2022
Bishop Chad Jones A presentation by Bishop Chandler Holder Jones on Modern Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical Anglican View Video ( The entire presentation is Approximately 5 hours – can be watch in sections)
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC 28105
St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, Matthews, NC
Bishop Chad Jones A presentation by Bishop Chandler Holder Jones on Modern Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical Anglican View Video ( The entire presentation is Approximately 5 hours – can be watch in sections)
Click Here for Lancelot Andrewes
‘CONTINUAL GROWTH IN THY LOVE AND SERVICE…’ February 10th, 2022 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC In the 1928 American Prayer Book Eucharist, the Prayer for the Whole State of Christ’s Church contains this phrase of intercession for the Dead, which petition is absolutely unique to the revised American liturgy: ‘And we also
February 21st, 2019 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC The Bishops of the Anglican Joint Synods Churches released the following statement on the matter of abortion. In 1973 the Supreme Court paved the way for legalized abortion in the United States in a landmark decision known as Roe v. Wade. Four years later,
March 8th, 2022 by The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC From The American Conservative: America’s youth are leaving churches in droves. One in four young adults choose “unaffiliated” when asked about their religion, according to a 2012 Public Religion Research Institute poll, and 55 percent of those unaffiliated youth once had a religious identification
Article from Christianity Today: Justin Martyr (100 – 175AD). hen Justin was arrested for his faith in Rome, the prefect asked him to denounce his faith by making a sacrifice to the gods. Justin replied, “No one who is rightly minded turns from true belief to false.”. It was in one sense an easy answer
The sermon begins around the 30-minute mark. Click here
Oct 23, 2022 – highly recommended for all Traditionalist within the church A fifty-minute discussion of what the church needs to regain its pureness. Click Here
Some good observations on Advent – an old tradition in the Anglican Church is to emphasize the Last Four Things. Once again a total review of scripture lets us see the totality of God and of this season. Liberation is offered for all who seek it. Essay Advent, like Lent, can seem difficult to characterize:
Bishop Schneider Interview on the Church of Antiquity and commentary on the current church which has moved away from its own past. Bishop Schneider On The Concerning Relationship Between Catholic Church And Communist Governments Bishop Schneider: Ridding The Church Of Heretical Beliefs Is Critical To The Defense Of The Faith
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